Once you have Chromium OS installed you may want to customize the Grub2 menu to have a more friendly name than what the default is. First, open a terminal and cd to the /etc/grub.d/ directory. Next, remove the executable flag …
Updating Hexxeh’s Chromium OS builds…
I did have Ubuntu and Chromium OS by Hexxeh setup perfectly until I decided to try to update Chromium OS since the built in auto updater wasn’t detecting that there was a new build available. I switched to Crosh using …
When 4g isn’t really 4g…
I hate it when I see advertisements for “4g”. We are no where near the speeds of what 4g is supposed to be yet, they get to call what we currently have “4g” as it is faster than 3g. Just …
My first tip…
If your DC power adapter for you laptop happens to be loose, you might be able to remedy this by using a small piece of shrink wrap to make the plug fit tighter. Just be sure to use the lowest …
My first rant…
I hate how Google’s services are oriented around having one, and ONLY one, account! Furthermore, some of their services seem to be lacking in areas, such as Android Market. I just experienced the worst experience I have ever had with …
Blogs… I hate them but, I am starting one.
As I hate blogging, I don’t anticipate doing this often. However, lately, I have too many rants that I wish I had a place to post about. Likewise, I have some tips and tricks that I find useful but, do …